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Amy Ledin

Updated: Nov 12, 2021

Entrepreneur, Fitness/Mindset Coach & Cancer Survivor

Episode 69: Finding the Silver Lining In Everything

The Inner Circle Episode 69


Amy Ledin, Co-Owner and Operator at Lean Bodies Consulting, is open to the hard conversations in life that move us forward and raise us to the next level of growth, love, and understanding. Amy embraces her vulnerability and courage in this episode, sharing the deeply personal experiences that had a profound impact on every aspect of how she looks at life. Amy shares the Three Daily Agreements she found to be life-changing, opens up about her cancer diagnosis, and why she believes every situation has a silver lining.

What You’ll Hear In This Episode:

● Amy is an inspiration for knowing that you can transform your life, no matter how dire the situation seems.

● When we are courageous enough to tell our story and share it with others, it shows that we have evolved.

● Amy grew up on a farm and struggled with weight for most of her teen and young adult life. This is part of her mission today, to help people make smart choices without feeling restriction.

● Amy became pregnant as a teenager, and she felt shame and guilt about the adoption process due to social stigma and religious beliefs.

● Why we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, and Amy is an example that we never quite know what our fellow human is going through.

● Amy opens up about a very hurtful matter in her family’s past, an affair that had a giant impact on both families.

● How Amy and her family healed, and her relationship with her now partner Erik also grew into them running their business Lean Bodies Consulting together.

● Amy’s love for helping people through online coaching and mindset coaching gives her the chance to share the skills that have gotten her through the darkest hours of her own life.

● Amy’s miracle mindset on how her cancer diagnosis provided her with the chance to live life fully present and grateful.

● Amy’s Three Agreements, and what they do for helping her stay on track with the promises she has made to herself.


● “Failure teaches us our biggest lessons.” — C

● “It’s not win or lose, it’s win or learn.” — A

● “You always should find the silver lining, on everything.” — A


Journey Into the Inner Circle:

@CarrieADoll – Twitter

@carriedollconsulting – Instagram

Carrie Doll – Facebook


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1 Comment

HSUS HF 2018
HSUS HF 2018
May 02, 2021

Ms. Amy Ledin your associate Akemi Fisher “Amazon Queen” as she calls herself

is promoting a con artist Laura Maloney

we are about to expose Maloney on a level she will not recover from - National news is set to air. ADISA Group is a scam

we are working with national news every day to expose the con artist operating within the Animal Rescue community - what Laura did after Hurricane Katrina she should have been locked up for.

Thousands of HURRICAN SURVIVORS FAMILY PETS were dumped all over the nation in kill shelters and in Arkansas where they were found on Tammy Hanson‘s property dead and dying

Laura Maloney who headed LASPCA worked along sexual predator Wayne Pacelle her…

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