Specialist in Infertility, Egg freezing, Obstetrics & Gynecologic Reproductive Endocrinology
Episode 99: Exploring Women's Health & The Causes of Infertility With Dr. Caitlin Dunne

My guest today, Dr. Caitlin Dunne is the co-director of the Pacific Centre for Reproductive Medicine and a clinical assistant professor at the University of British Columbia. She is a specialist in infertility and egg freezing and has participated in numerous clinical studies and published research on in vitro fertilization, gynecologic surgery, and ovarian disease. And, most recently she has been named in "Canada's Top 40 Under 40 Business Leader " List.
This week I have the honor to have Dr. Caitlin Dunne joining us at The Inner Circle! Let's start with it!
11:31 - Caitlin shares her a little about her journey, her role models, her desire to become a doctor, and why she specializes in fertility.
16:48 - We analyze the impact of using birth-control pills, what "unexplained infertility" is, and the options couples have.
24:46 - She explains some of the treatments to raise the fertility rate like "superovulation," side effects, success rates, the cost of these methods, and who can be a candidate.
31:35 - We examined the top reasons for infertility and some of the risk factors that can contribute to it.
35:02 - Dr. Dunne talks about miscarriages, what's going on, and the emotional toll it produces on women and couples.
41:06 - I want to share an anonymous story that brought me into tears because of the struggle she suffered, and Dr. Dunne gives a medical standpoint of why that could happen.
43:50 - The price of these treatments is often costly and not covered. Dr. Dunne gives her thoughts.
47:19 - The future looks brilliant, as new technology like "gene-editing" and "egg-freezing" are tested. Dr. Dunne explains the implications of fertility.
55:06 - We wrap up discussing infertility, is there a point where we have to throw in the towel, what options people can examine, and what factors must be considered and applied.
"The more we talk about it, the better things are going to get."
"Infertility affects 1 every 6 couples."
"I can do any job in this place that I want."
"We have a lot to learn in medicine."
"The sperm doesn't have to swim; it just has to be alive and show up."
"Unfortunately, miscarriages are normal."
"How can we better support those women without the stigma and shame from what's happened."
"It must have been an extremely difficult choice, but now she has two healthy children."
"If anyone wants to write a letter to the government, please go ahead."
"The technology requires more refinement, but it is happening."
"Come see a fertility doctor, and we'll work through it together."
MENTIONED: Caitlin Dunne - Pacific Centre for Reproductive Medicine @pcrmfertility - Instagram
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